Inside Information

Latest Inside Information
25/03/202519:45 VITRUVIO REAL ESTATE SOCIMI S.A Inside Information: On corporate transactions: mergers, acquisitions and others Acuerdo con Mercal Inmuebles SOCIMI, S.A. relativo a una potencial operación de fusión (108 KB)
19:45 MERCAL INMUEBLES SOCIMI, S.A. Inside Information: On corporate transactions: mergers, acquisitions and others ACUERDO CON VITRUVIO REAL ESTATE SOCIMI,S.A. RELATIVO A UNA POTENCIAL OPERACION DE FUSION (69 KB)
21/03/202518:39 BIOTECHNOLOGY ASSETS Inside Information: On the exercise of convertible bonds or exchangeable capital instruments Aumento de capital según acuerdo de financiación de obligaciones convertibles (148 KB)
18/03/202518:30 HOLALUZ Inside Information: On issues of financial instruments Finalización de la Primera Fase de la Inversión de ICOSIUM en Holaluz - Ampliación de Capital / Completion of First Phase of ICOSIUM Investment in Holaluz - Capital Increase (214 KB)
07:03 SOLUCIONES CUATROOCHENTA Inside Information: On the exercise of convertible bonds or exchangeable capital instruments Agreement with Eiffel Investment Group SAS for the Issuance of Convertible Bonds (51 KB)Related to Inside Information 18/03/2025 07:02
07:02 SOLUCIONES CUATROOCHENTA Inside Information: On the exercise of convertible bonds or exchangeable capital instruments Acuerdo con Eiffel Investment Group SAS para la Emisión de Bonos Convertibles (49 KB)
17/03/202513:07 MERIDIA REAL ESTATE III, SOCIMI, S.A. Inside Information: On asset transactions, asset valuations and borrowing Venta Activo Residencial (proyecto ICE - La Siberia) (582 KB)
14/03/202517:52 HOLALUZ Inside Information: On asset transactions, asset valuations and borrowing Suscripción de Préstamo Convertible con Icosium Investment SL / Signing of Convertible Loan Agreement with Icosium Investment SL (210 KB)
11/03/202517:36 CASTELLANA PROPERTIES SOCIMI, S.A. Inside Information: On business and financial situation Acuerdo de adquisición del Centro Comercial Bonaire (363 KB)Related to Inside Information 05/03/2025 19:11
05/03/202519:11 CASTELLANA PROPERTIES SOCIMI, S.A. Inside Information: On business and financial situation Sobre negocio y operaciones (235 KB)Related to Inside Information 22/01/2025 09:19
04/03/202508:00 MIO GROUP Inside Information: On corporate transactions: mergers, acquisitions and others Adquisición del 24,95% de Firma Brand Communication, S.L. (102 KB)Related to Inside Information 18/06/2024 08:01
27/02/202516:06 REVENGA SMART SOLUTIONS Inside Information: On business and financial situation Actualización de la situación de la compañía (140 KB)
26/02/202521:09 AGILE CONTENT Inside Information: On strategic plans and profit forecasts Previsiones para el ejercicio 2025 (215 KB)
25/02/202519:44 PROEDUCA ALTUS Inside Information: On corporate transactions: mergers, acquisitions and others Corporate Operation Announcement (135 KB)Related to Inside Information 19/04/2024 18:22
19:43 PROEDUCA ALTUS Inside Information: On corporate transactions: mergers, acquisitions and others Anuncio de operación corporativa (157 KB)Related to Inside Information 19/04/2024 18:04
18:07 PROEDUCA ALTUS Inside Information: On financial instruments Aprobación de la Junta General de Accionistas de la distribución de un dividendo a cargo de otras aportaciones de socios (109 KB)
17:37 NBI BEARINGS EUROPE Inside Information: On P&L Avance de resultados consolidados 2024 (1 MB)